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system environment/libraries
boost -
The Boost C++ Libraries
boost-devel -
The Boost C++ headers and development libraries
boost-doc -
The Boost C++ html docs
compat-openldap -
OpenLDAP compatibility shared libraries.
glibc -
The GNU libc libraries.
gtk2 -
The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X
libX11 -
X.Org X11 libX11 runtime library
libXcursor -
X.Org X11 libXcursor runtime library
libbdevid-python -
Python bindings for libbdevid
libexif -
Library for extracting extra information from image files
libhbaapi -
libusb -
A library which allows userspace access to USB devices.
libvolume_id -
Dynamic libraries to get volume ids
oddjob-libs -
Libraries used by oddjob clients
openais-devel -
The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework libraries
openmotif -
Open Motif runtime libraries and executables.
openmotif22 -
Open Motif runtime libraries and executables
qt -
The shared library for the Qt GUI toolkit.
qt-MySQL -
MySQL drivers for Qt's SQL classes.
qt-ODBC -
ODBC drivers for Qt's SQL classes.
qt-PostgreSQL -
PostgreSQL drivers for Qt's SQL classes.