These themes are for SeaMonkey 1.0.x and 1.1.x; 1.5a/2.0a/suiterunner trunk builds are not yet supported. Javascript required for installation; make sure Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Software Installation is checked.
After the theme is installed and selected, type "chrome://global/skin/about/about.html" in the urlbar for information on subskins, licenses (GPL & LGPL), etc.
VectorLinux Editions are optimised for GNU/Linux (specifically, VL) and feature throbbers based on VectorLinux artwork.
Additionally, generic GNU/Linux versions are available at You can also see screenshots there, and find some other stuff, mostly related to GNU+Linux and SeaMonkey.
Many thanks to VectorLinux for hosting these! VectorLinux is a GNU+Linux distro based on Slackware, designed for performance and ease of use; it also runs well on (reasonably) old hardware. The Standard edition features the XFCE desktop, while KDE is also available, and is included in the SOHO edition.
Install any theme
Save this page. Select a .JAR file either from your local hard drive or the web and click install to install a theme.