Window Maker patches
Each patch is listed with a brief description and a note on the patch type. Follow the link for more information and to download the patch.
The various patch annotations are:
BUG: The patch fixes a bug in stock Window Maker.
FEATURE: The patch adds new functionality.
AESTHETIC: The patch doesn't really do much other than make Window Maker behave the way I like it.
XINERAMA: The patch is specifically designed for use in a Xinerama environment.
To clarify regarding Xinerama: all patches are tested on Xinerama and non-Xinerama desktops. Patches tagged XINERAMA provide functionality which is either only available or only meaningful on a Xinerama desktop. All patches are safe to apply and run whether you use Xinerama or not.
The patches
switchpanel-xinerama: BUG | XINERAMA
Prevents garbling the switch panel when many windows are open.cycling-osx: FEATURE
Allows you to focus the next or previous window of the same type as the currently focused window, a little like Mac OS X does.wmsetbg-xinerama: FEATURE | XINERAMA
Adds an option to wmsetbg to scale a background image across all heads.workspace-xinerama-name: AESTHETIC
Forces the workspace name, displayed when switching workspaces, to display entirely on one head, and moves the name away from being flush against the edges of the screen.
Applying the patches
To apply these patches, enter the Window Maker source directory and run:
patch -p0 < patch-name.diff
where patch-name.diff is the file you downloaded. This assumes you already copied the patch file into the source directory before proceeding.