Packages changed:
  librsvg (2.52.5 -> 2.52.6)
  libwnck (40.0 -> 40.1)
  python-h11 (0.12.0 -> 0.13.0)
  tigervnc (1.10.1 -> 1.12.0)
  webkit2gtk3 (2.34.5 -> 2.34.6)
  webkit2gtk3-soup2 (2.34.5 -> 2.34.6)

=== Details ===

==== Mesa-demo ====
Subpackages: Mesa-demo-egl Mesa-demo-x

- added sub-packages as dependencies to the main package to
  ensure the complete installation of the program
  * Mesa-demo-x
  * Mesa-demo-es
  * Mesa-demo-egl

==== avahi ====
Subpackages: avahi-lang libavahi-client3 libavahi-client3-32bit libavahi-common3 libavahi-common3-32bit libavahi-core7

- Replace avahi-0.6.31-systemd-order.patch with
  avahi-add-resolv-conf-to-inotify.patch: re-read configuration
  when resolv.conf changes, per discussion on the bug

==== gnome-shell ====
Subpackages: gnome-extensions gnome-shell-calendar gnome-shell-lang

- Add gnome-shell-fix-NMDevice-get-path.patch: Fix the NMDevice
  get_path is null(bsc#1176553 glgo#GNOME/gnome-shell#4565).

==== librsvg ====
Version update (2.52.5 -> 2.52.6)
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg librsvg-2-2 rsvg-thumbnailer typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0

- Update to version 2.52.6:
  + Fix incorrect text rendering when text has different scales in
    the X/Y axes. This regressed after librsvg 2.52.5, when Pango
    had to revert its fix for the same bug. Now librsvg renders all
    text as paths, and does the scaling itself. Please file a bug
    if you have evidence that this presents a performance problem
    for you.

==== liburing ====

- add explicit liburing2-devel alias to reflect SLE/LEAP 15.4+ naming

==== libwnck ====
Version update (40.0 -> 40.1)
Subpackages: libwnck-3-0 libwnck-lang typelib-1_0-Wnck-3_0

- Update to version 40.1:
  + Revert "pager: do not change workspace size from size_allocate"
  + Updated translations.
- Drop libwnck-rpmlintrc: No longer needed.

==== openvpn ====

- Fix license tag in spec file.

==== podofo ====

- Add GCC12 compatibility fix from Fedora (boo#1194962):
  * podofo-gcc12.patch
- Add upstream changes:
  * podofo-CVE-2019-10723.patch (boo#1131544, CVE-2019-10723)
  * podofo-CVE-2018-12983.patch (boo#1099719, CVE-2018-12983)

==== python-h11 ====
Version update (0.12.0 -> 0.13.0)

- update to 0.13.0:
  * Clarify that the Headers class is a Sequence and inherit from the
    collections Sequence abstract base class to also indicate this (and
    gain the mixin methods).
  * Switch event classes to dataclasses for easier typing and slightly
    improved performance.
  * Shorten traceback of protocol errors for easier readability
  * Add typing including a PEP 561 marker for usage by type checkers
  * Expand the allowed status codes to [0, 999] from [0, 600]
  * Ensure request method is a valid token

==== python-pycups ====

- spec-cleaner

==== smartmontools ====

- Restart smartd and generate smartd_opts only if there are real
  sysconfig changes; do not trigger generate_smartd_opts by YaST,
  systemd is enough (bsc#1195785).

==== speech-dispatcher ====
Subpackages: libspeechd2 python3-speechd

- Do not recommends speech-dispatcher-module-espeak from the main
  package: the module-espeak already has a reverse recommends
  (supplements) based on speech-dispatcher and espeak.

==== sudo ====
Subpackages: sudo-plugin-python

- Restrict use of sudo -U other -l to people who have permission
  to run commands as that user (bsc#1181703, jsc#SLE-22569)
  * feature-upstream-restrict-sudo-U-other-l.patch

==== tigervnc ====
Version update (1.10.1 -> 1.12.0)
Subpackages: libXvnc1 xorg-x11-Xvnc xorg-x11-Xvnc-module

- n_vncserver.patch
  * fix location of Xsession script
- vncserver usage has radically changed; please check this:
- Update to tigervnc 1.12.0
  * The native viewer now supports full screen over a subset of monitors (e.g. 2 out of 3), and reacts properly to monitors being added or removed
  * Recent server history in the native viewer
  * The native viewer now has an option to reconnect if the connection is dropped
  * Translations are now enabled on Windows and macOS for the native viewer
  * The native viewer now respects the system security policy
  * Better handling of accented keys in the Java viewer
  * The Unix servers can now listen to both a Unix socket and a TCP port at the same time
  * The network code in both the servers and the native viewer has been restructured to give a more responsive experience
  * The vncserver service now correctly handles settings set to "0"
  * Fixed the clipboard Unicode handling in both the native viewer and the servers
  * Support for pointer "warping" in Xvnc and the native viewer, enabling e.g. FPS games
- Update to tigervnc 1.11.0
  * A security issue has been fixed in how the viewers handle TLS certificate exceptions
  * vncserver has gotten a major redesign to be compatible with modern distributions
  * The native viewer now has touch gestures to handle certain mouse actions (e.g. scroll wheel)
  * Middle mouse button emulation in the native viewer, for devices with only two mouse buttons
  * The Java viewer now supports Java 9+, but also now requires Java 8+
  * Support for alpha cursors in the Java viewer (a feature already supported in the native viewer)
  * The password and username can now be specified via the environment for the native viewer
  * Support for building Xvnc/ with Xorg 1.20.7+ and deprecate support for Xorg older than 1.16
  * The official builds have been fixed to work on the upcoming macOS 11
  * The Windows server (WinVNC) is now packaged separately as it is unmaintained and buggy
- Removed patches (included in 1.12.0):
  * U_viewer-reset-ctrl-alt-to-menu-state-on-focus.patch
  * tigervnc-fix-saving-of-bad-server-certs.patch
  * u_xorg-server-1.20.7-ddxInputThreadInit.patch
  * U_0001-Properly-store-certificate-exceptions.patch
  * U_0002-Properly-store-certificate-exceptions-in-Java-viewer.patch
  * tigervnc-FIPS-use-RFC7919.patch
  * u_Fix-non-functional-MaxDisconnectionTime.patch
- Removed patches (no longer needed):
  * u_tigervnc-cve-2014-8240.patch (
  * u_tigervnc_update_default_vncxstartup.patch
- Refreshed patches:
  * n_correct_path_in_desktop_file.patch
  * n_tigervnc-date-time.patch
  * n_utilize-system-crypto-policies.patch
  * tigervnc-clean-pressed-key-on-exit.patch
  * tigervnc-newfbsize.patch
  * u_build_libXvnc_as_separate_library.patch
  * u_change-button-layout-in-ServerDialog.patch
  * u_tigervnc-add-autoaccept-parameter.patch
  * u_tigervnc-211.patch

==== webkit2gtk3 ====
Version update (2.34.5 -> 2.34.6)
Subpackages: WebKit2GTK-4.1-lang libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1 webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.34.6:
  + Fix accessibility not working when the Bubblewrap sandbox is
  + Fix rendering of scrollbars when overlay scrollbars are
  + Fix the build when the X11 support is disabled.
  + Fix the build in a number of situations where the main OpenGL
    library is not called libGL or libgl, as is the case on
    systems that use libglvnd.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.

==== webkit2gtk3-soup2 ====
Version update (2.34.5 -> 2.34.6)
Subpackages: WebKit2GTK-4.0-lang libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.34.6:
  + Fix accessibility not working when the Bubblewrap sandbox is
  + Fix rendering of scrollbars when overlay scrollbars are
  + Fix the build when the X11 support is disabled.
  + Fix the build in a number of situations where the main OpenGL
    library is not called libGL or libgl, as is the case on
    systems that use libglvnd.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.