Packages changed:
  glib2 (2.68.0 -> 2.68.1)
  libzypp (17.25.8 -> 17.25.9)
  python-gobject (3.40.0 -> 3.40.1)

=== Details ===

==== glib2 ====
Version update (2.68.0 -> 2.68.1)
Subpackages: glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0

- Update to version 2.68.1:
  + Fix a crash in `GKeyFile` when parsing a file which contains
    translations using a `GKeyFile` instance which has loaded
    another file previously.
  + Pin GIO DLL in memory on Windows.
  + Updated translations.

==== libhugetlbfs ====

- Hardening: Link as PIE (bsc#1184123).

==== libzypp ====
Version update (17.25.8 -> 17.25.9)

- Add missing includes for GCC 11 (bsc#1181874)
- Fix unsafe usage of static in media verifier.
- Solver: Avoid segfault if no system is loaded (bsc#1183628)
- MediaVerifier: Relax media set verification in case of a single
  not-volatile medium (bsc#1180851)
- Do no cleanup in custom cache dirs (bsc#1182936)
- ZConfig: let pubkeyCachePath follow repoCachePath.
- version 17.25.9 (22)

==== python-gobject ====
Version update (3.40.0 -> 3.40.1)

- Update to version 3.40.1:
  + Fix tests with glib 2.68.
  + Fix a regression with marshalling partial() objects.