Packages changed: appstream-glib (0.7.16 -> 0.7.17) grub2 libmnl libnma patterns-gnome (20180321 -> 20200416) sudo (1.8.31p1 -> 1.9.0rc2) suse-module-tools (15.2.10 -> 15.3.2) tracker wavpack (5.1.0+71.22977b2 -> 5.3.0) === Details === ==== appstream-glib ==== Version update (0.7.16 -> 0.7.17) Subpackages: libappstream-glib8 - Add as-glib-PR359.patch: Fix crash with invalid children of <ul>. - Update to version 0.7.17: * Support versioning on clang/macOS * Use ".so" suffix for the plugins on macOS * Use internal uuid library in macOS * docs: Fix examples of AsNodeToXmlFlags using an invalid flag. * Bump minimum glib2 dependency. * Update Galician translations * as-app: properly initialize unique_id_mutex * Use _fullpath() instead of GetFullPathNameA(). * Fix Win32 headers. * Support ${id}/${locale}.qm in addition to ${id}_${locale}.qm * as-app: add "icon-theme" as recognised component type * as-content-rating: Make default values match OARS semantics ==== grub2 ==== Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi - Fix executable stack in grub-probe and other grub utility (bsc#1169137) * grub2-btrfs-06-subvol-mount.patch ==== libmnl ==== - package the license text ==== libnma ==== Subpackages: libnma0 typelib-1_0-NMA-1_0 - Add libnma-fix-segment-fault.patch: nma-ws: properly dispose wireless security objects(bsc#1168347 glgo#GNOME/libnma#7). ==== patterns-gnome ==== Version update (20180321 -> 20200416) Subpackages: patterns-gnome-gnome_basic patterns-gnome-gnome_basis - add gnome-packagekit recommends to gnome_basic pattern for SLE and Leap (bsc#1164858 and bsc#1081584) ==== sudo ==== Version update (1.8.31p1 -> 1.9.0rc2) - build with enable-python to support python plugins - Update to 1.9.0rc2 * Fixed a test failure in the strsig_test regress test on FreeBSD. * Sudo now includes a logging daemon, sudo_logsrvd, which can be used to implement centralized logging of I/O logs. TLS connections are supported when sudo is configured with the --enable-openssl option. For more information, see the sudo_logsrvd, logsrvd.conf and sudo_logsrv.proto manuals as well as the log_servers setting in the sudoers manual. The --disable-log-server and --disable-log-client configure options can be used to disable building the I/O log server and/or remote I/O log support in the sudoers plugin. * The new sudo_sendlog utility can be used to test sudo_logsrvd or send existing sudo I/O logs to a centralized server. * It is now possible to write sudo plugins in Python 3 when sudo is configured with the --enable-python> option. See the manual for details. Sudo 1.9.0 comes with several Python example plugins that get installed sudo's examples directory. The sudo blog article "What's new in sudo 1.9: Python" ( includes a simple tutorial on writing python plugins. * Sudo now supports an "audit" plugin type. An audit plugin receives accept, reject, exit and error messages and can be used to implement custom logging that is independent of the underlying security policy. Multiple audit plugins may be specified in the sudo.conf file. A sample audit plugin is included that writes logs in JSON format. * Sudo now supports an "approval" plugin type. An approval plugin is run only after the main security policy (such as sudoers) accepts a command to be run. The approval policy may perform additional checks, potentially interacting with the user. Multiple approval plugins may be specified in the sudo.conf file. Only if all approval plugins succeed will the command be allowed. * Sudo's -S command line option now causes the sudo conversation function to write to the standard output or standard error instead of the terminal device. * It is now possible to use "Cmd_Alias" instead of "Cmnd_Alias" for people who find the former more natural. * The new "pam_ruser" and "pam_rhost" sudoers settings can be used to enable or disable setting the PAM remote user and/or host values during PAM session setup. * More than one SHA-2 digest may now be specified for a single command. Multiple digests must be separated by a comma. * It is now possible to specify a SHA-2 digest in conjunction with the "ALL" reserved word in a command specification. This allows one to give permission to run any command that matches the specified digest, regardless of its path. * Sudo and sudo_logsrvd now create an extended I/O log info file in JSON format that contains additional information about the command that was run, such as the host name. The sudoreplay utility uses this file in preference to the legacy log file. * The sudoreplay utility can now match on a host name in list mode. The list output also now includes the host name if one is present in the log file. * For "sudo -i", if the target user's home directory does not exist, sudo will now warn about the problem but run the command in the current working directory. Previously, this was a fatal error. Debian bug #598519. * The command line arguments in the SUDO_COMMAND environment variable are now truncated at 4096 characters. This avoids an "Argument list too long" error when executing a command with a large number of arguments. Debian bug #596631. * Sudo now properly ends the PAM transaction when the user authenticates successfully but sudoers denies the command. Debian bug #669687. * The sudoers grammar in the manual now indicates that "sudoedit" requires one or more arguments. Debian bug #571621. - Pack /usr/sbin/{sudo_logsrvd,sudo_sendlog} binaries and their manpages - Pack /usr/lib/sudo/sudo/{,} plugins - Pack /etc/sudo.conf and /etc/sudo_logsrvd.conf configuration files - Run spec-cleaner ==== suse-module-tools ==== Version update (15.2.10 -> 15.3.2) - Update to version 15.3.2: * modprobe.conf.common: eliminate circular uas/usb-storage dependency (bsc#1168661) ==== tracker ==== Subpackages: libtracker-common-2_0 libtracker-control-2_0-0 libtracker-miner-2_0-0 libtracker-sparql-2_0-0 - Add tracker-Use-correct-signature.patch: tracker-store: Use correct signature for DBusSignalCallback. ==== wavpack ==== Version update (5.1.0+71.22977b2 -> 5.3.0) - Update to version 5.3.0 * Plenty of changes * Drop _service and switch to regular release