Packages changed:
  hwdata (0.330 -> 0.331)
  rpm ( -> 4.15.1)
  transactional-update (2.20 -> 2.20.1)

=== Details ===

==== hwdata ====
Version update (0.330 -> 0.331)

- Update to version 0.331:
  * Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.

==== libseccomp ====

- Tests are passing on all architectures
- Backport patch to fix test on aarch64:
  * libseccomp-fix_aarch64-test.patch

==== openssl-1_1 ====
Subpackages: libopenssl1_1

- Obsolete libopenssl-1_0_0-devel in order to avoid conflict upon
  upgrade from SLE-12 (bsc#1158499)
- remove useless Suggests: libopenssl1_1-hmac, there's no such
  package anymore

==== rpm ====
Version update ( -> 4.15.1)

- disable pythondist requires generator for now
  * modified patch: fileattrs.diff
- drop python3-setuptools dependency from rpm-build, the package
  is not part of ring-0
- update to rpm-4.15.1
  * bugfix release
- dropped patches:
  * fix_lua_cflags.diff
- Fix shebang for to use Python 3
  + Modify patch: pythondistdeps.diff
- Move pythondistdeps dependency generator to rpm-build
- Add python3-setuptools and python3 dependencies to rpm-build for pythondistdeps
- Declare /var/lib/rpm as a ghost file (it is a link to /usr/lib/sysimage/rpm
  generated in post script for quite some time now) [boo#1132796]
- update to rpm-4.15.0
  * dynamic build dependencies
  * support for %elif, %elifos and %elifarch statements in spec
  * caret version operator (the opposite of tilde)
  * new %patchlist and %sourcelist spec sections
  * new %{expr:#} built-in macro for evaluating expressions
  * new %dnl macro primitive for comments
- dropped patches:
  * 0001-Stop-papering-over-the-security-disaster-known-as-pr.patch
  * 0002-Fix-use-after-free-introduced-in-0f21bdd0d7b2c45564d.patch
  * adopt-language-specific-build_fooflags-macros-from-F.patch
  * auto-config-update-riscv64.diff
  * debugedit-macro.diff
  * dwz-compression.patch
  * getncpus.diff
  * nameversioncompare.diff
  * mono-find-requires.diff
  * rpmfc-push-name-epoch-version-release-macro-before-invoking-depgens.patch
  * set-flto=auto-by-default.patch
  * source_date_epoch_buildtime.diff
- new patches:
  * fix_lua_cflags.diff

==== transactional-update ====
Version update (2.20 -> 2.20.1)
Subpackages: transactional-update-zypp-config

- Update to version 2.20.1
  - Add missing documentation about --continue option
  - Avoid error message about missing fstab file on first snapshot creation.