Packages changed:
  busybox (1.31.1 -> 1.32.0)
  hyper-v (7 -> 8)

=== Details ===

==== busybox ====
Version update (1.31.1 -> 1.32.0)

- Update to busybox 1.32.0
  - many bugfixes and new features
  - Obsoletes busybox-no-stime.patch
- Disable ftpget/ftpput, non-standard, ftp is outdated
- Disable run-init, we don't use that
- Disable cttyhack, we don't provide the calling tools
- Disable dnsd

==== cri-o ====
Subpackages: cri-o-kubeadm-criconfig

- Suggest katacontainers instead of recommending it. It's not
  enabled by default, so it's just bloat

==== hyper-v ====
Version update (7 -> 8)

- Remove dependency to now that gethostname
  is used in kvp_daemon (bsc#1174443, bsc#1174444)
- Reopen the devices if read() or write() returns errors (9fc3c01a)
- Use either python2 or python3 for lsvmbus (bsc#1093910)
- Remove sysv init scripts
- Enable build on aarch64

==== kdump ====

- Make dracut and sed normal requires as we don't use them in
  %pre/%post install. Use file requires for sed.
- Don't PreRequire coreutils but the tools we really need

==== kmod ====
Subpackages: libkmod2

- Drop old RPM constructs from the build recipe.
- Drop kmod-compat (boo#1173353):
  The symlinks in kmod-compat are not obsolete. They are
  desirable for kernel module autoload. The "kernel.modprobe"
  sysctl references /sbin/modprobe, and changing it to
  "/usr/bin/kmod load" is not possible, because this sysctl
  specifies a single executable, not a command (so spaces will be
  treated as part of the filename).

==== transactional-update ====
Subpackages: transactional-update-zypp-config

- Remove unused attr requires
- Change bc to file requires