Packages changed:
  conmon (2.0.15 -> 2.0.16)
  cri-o (1.18.0 -> 1.18.1)
  libsolv (0.7.11 -> 0.7.13)
  open-vm-tools (11.0.5 -> 11.1.0)
  python3 (3.8.2 -> 3.8.3)
  python3-base (3.8.2 -> 3.8.3)
  sudo (1.9.0rc4 -> 1.9.0)

=== Details ===

==== busybox-links ====
Subpackages: busybox-coreutils busybox-gawk busybox-xz

- Add conclicts: msmtp-mta to busybox-sendmail: there is one more
  provider of /usr/sbin/sendmail.

==== conmon ====
Version update (2.0.15 -> 2.0.16)

- Update to v2.0.16
  - tty: flush pending data when fd is ready

==== cri-o ====
Version update (1.18.0 -> 1.18.1)
Subpackages: cri-o-kubeadm-criconfig

- Update to version 1.18.1:
  - Feature
  - Add -?version-file-persist, a place to put the version file
    in persistent storage. Now, crio wipe wipes containers if
  - ?version-file is not present (presumably it is on temporary
    storage), and wipes images if both -?version-file and
  - ?version-file-persist are out of date (presumably there has
    been an upgrade of cri-o?s minor version
  - Containers running init or systemd are now given a new
    selinux label container_init_t, giving it selinux privileges
    more appropriate for the workload
  - Other (Bug, Cleanup or Flake)
  - Fix linkmode retrieval on crio version for static binaries
  - Fix a bug where CRI-O could not start a container if
    CONFIG_CGROUP_HUGETLB was not set in the kernel
  - Re-add the behavior that string slices can be passed to the
    CLI comma separated, for example --default-capabilities
  - Removed crio-wipe.service and crio-shutdown.service systemd
    units from the static bundle since they are not required
  - Fix some crio version oddities

==== kernel-default-base ====

- Add vxlan (bsc#1171903)
- Add usbhid and hid-generic for USB input devices (boo#1167749)

==== kubernetes ====
Subpackages: kubernetes-client kubernetes-kubeadm kubernetes-kubelet

- Use %{VERSION} for client/host based packages
- Build *-minus1* packages with accurate version numbers

==== kubernetes1.17 ====

- Run sysctl -a --system before kubelet to ensure sysctl parameters are correctly loaded [boo#1171770]

==== kured ====

- kured-imagePullPolicy.patch: always update the image
- systemctl-path.patch: last systemd update removed symlinks
  from /bin ...

==== libsolv ====
Version update (0.7.11 -> 0.7.13)

- Fix solvable swapping messing up idarrays
- bump version to 0.7.13
- fix ruleinfo of complex dependencies returning the wrong origin
- bump version to 0.7.12

==== netcfg ====

- Create /etc/exports.d directory (boo#1094328)

==== open-vm-tools ====
Version update (11.0.5 -> 11.1.0)
Subpackages: libvmtools0

- Update to 11.1.0 (build 16036546) (boo#1171764, boo#1171765)
  + open-vm-tools 11.1.0 includes a new 'Service Discovery' plugin, which
    connects with the vRealize Operations Manager product.  For more
    information and details on configuring this plugin, refer to Configuring
    Service Discovery.
  + In this release, a new tools.conf switch is added to enable and disable
    the guest customization in the guest virtual machine. By default, the
    guest customization is enabled. For more details, refer KB 78903.
- Spec file changes to remove the is_opensuse macros where possible.
- Remoed the mv vm-support line from the spec file.  vm-support is now
  automatically placed in the /usr/bin directory.
- Added version number to Requires: libxmlsec1-openssl1 to help with vgauth
  version checking.
- Added patches
  + pam-vmtoolsd.patch (boo#1171003)
- Drop unnecessary patch:
  - app_info_plugin.patch
  - diskinfo-debug-logging-1162435.patch
  - gcc9-static-inline.patch

==== python-Babel ====

- Add patch to fix building with new python 3.8.3:
  * python383.patch
- Do not bother with documentation package, it is all available online

==== python3 ====
Version update (3.8.2 -> 3.8.3)

- Update to version 3.8.3:
  - Complete list of changes is available at,
    but most of them are just bugfixes.
  - Removed patch CVE-2020-8492-urllib-ReDoS.patch: contained in upstream

==== python3-base ====
Version update (3.8.2 -> 3.8.3)
Subpackages: libpython3_8-1_0

- Update to version 3.8.3:
  - Complete list of changes is available at,
    but most of them are just bugfixes.
  - Removed patch CVE-2020-8492-urllib-ReDoS.patch: contained in upstream

==== restorecond ====

- Use %{_unitdir} for the location of the .service file
- %{_libexecdir} now expands to /usr/libexec, so do not use it
  where /usr/lib was intended

==== sudo ====
Version update (1.9.0rc4 -> 1.9.0)

- Update to 1.9.0 (current stable release)
  * for changes between version 1.9.0 and 1.8.31p1 see rc changes
- Update to 1.9.0rc5
  * The default TLS listener is now only enabled when either the
    TLS certificate file is explicitly specified in sudo_logsrvd.conf
    or the default TLS certificate file exists in the file system.
    There is no change in behavior for listen_address entries
    explicitly set in the configuration file.