Packages changed:
  kubernetes1.17 (1.17.4 -> 1.17.5)
  openssl (1.1.1f -> 1.1.1g)
  openssl-1_1 (1.1.1f -> 1.1.1g)
  perl-Bootloader (0.926 -> 0.927)

=== Details ===

==== kbd ====
Subpackages: kbd-legacy

- drop broken kbd command as well as guess_encoding (boo#1170067)
- don't use subdirectory for legacy keymaps (boo#1166423)
- use fdupes

==== kubernetes1.17 ====
Version update (1.17.4 -> 1.17.5)

- Update to version 1.17.5:
  * Fix GCE ILB for large clusters
  * gce-addons: Make sure default/limit-range doesn't get overridden
  * Restore the ability to `kubectl apply --prune` without -n flag
  * Fix client watch reestablishment handling of client-side timeouts
  * Fix priorityClass typo, add numeric priority to static pods
  * Test dropped round-trip annotations in HPA conversion
  * Drop round-trip annotations in HPA conversion
  * Ensure Azure availability zone is always in lower cases
  * Clean up event messages for errors.
  * Fix permissions for endpointslice controller
  * Allow to continue if a resource fails to list
  * Check that ImageInspect pointer is not nil
  * Fix bug about unintentional scale out during updating deployment.
  * kubeadm: increase timeouts in the etcd client
  * kubeadm: handle multiple members without names during concurrent join
  * build/dependencies: Remove bazel WORKSPACE go_version check
  * deps: Update to Golang 1.13.9
  * build: Remove kube-cross image building
  * Fix the VMSS name and resource group name when updating VMSS for LoadBalancer backendPools.
  * Remove wait.Until for running Kubelet Bootstrap
  * Parallelize attach operations across different nodes for volumes that allow multi-attach
  * Add nil nodeinfo check in podFitsOnNode
  * fix: check disk status before disk azure disk
  * Update kube-openapi to release-1.17
  * Update tag for structured-merge-diff to v2.0.1
  * EndpointSlice and Endpoints should treat terminating pods the same
  * EndpointSliceTracker should track updated resource version
  * Ensuring EndpointSlices are not used for Windows kube-proxy implementations
  * Ensuring kube-proxy does not mutate shared EndpointSlices
  * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.17.4
  * let image cache do sort on write instead of on read to avoid data
  * Removing kubectl get output e2e test
  * Fix VMSS cache content
  * Preserve target apiVersion when decoding into unstructured lists
  * Adding a temporary fix for kubectl get output e2e test
  * /readyz should start returning failure on shutdown initiation
  * test: don't use hardcoded pod count for memory limit test
  * Fixed in the GCE/PD in-tree volume logic to expose the max number of persistent-disks for each instance type correctly.
  * Honor status.podIP over status.podIPs, node.spec.podCIDR over node.spec.podCIDRs
  * fix: corrupted mount point in csi driver
  * fix: azure file mount timeout issue
  * fix behaviour of aws-load-balancer-security-groups annotation
  * fix: add remediation in azure disk attach/detach
  * Update to golang@1.13.8
  * build: Enable kube-cross push/pull from K8s Infra GCR
  * build: Add justaugustus as reviewer
  * build: Add OWNERS on build-image/
  * rename to sharedLimitWriter
  * address review feedback
  * Fix docker/journald logging conformance
  * fix get-kube authorization headers
  * Calling hcsshim instead of docker api to get stats for windows to greatly reduce latency
  * adding e2e test to ensure it takes less than 10 seconds to query kubelet stats for windows nodes
  * update
  * kube-proxy filter Load Balancer Status ingress
  * kube-proxy unit test FilterIncorrectIPVersion
  * add delays between goroutines for vm instance update
  * Updated test cos image to include runc-1.0.0-rc10
  * Fix gce-cos-master-reboot test
  * Fix route conflicted operations when updating multiple routes together
  * fix: get azure disk lun timeout issue
  * Set up connection onClose prior to adding to connection map
  * fix: add azure disk migration support for CSINode
  * Add annotation annealing for migration for PVs and PVCs during syncVolume and syncClaim. This allows external-provisioners to pick up and delete volumes when they have been rolled up from previous kubernetes versions.
  * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.17.3
  * Limit number of instances in single update to GCE target pool
  * Add code to fix kubelet/metrics memory issue.
  * Remove Error log for nil StartTime
  * CHANGELOG: Move changelogs into a subdir to delegate releng approvals
  * Enable selinux tags in make targets
  * Fix pending_pods, schedule_attempts_total was not recorded
  * Fixing Potential Race Condition in EndpointSlice Controller.
  * Restore statefulset conversion that populates apiVersion/kind in volume templates
  * Use standard default storage media type in local-up-cluster
  * changelog: clarify 1.17 upgrade requirements
  * Fix back off when scheduling cycle is delayed
  * blank out value for unbounded client label
  * update to v2.2.8
  * set nil cache entry based on old cache
  * Revert "It fixes a bug where AAD token obtained by kubectl is incompatible with on-behalf-of flow and oidc."
  * Fix issue with GCE scripts assuming Python2.
  * Add/Update for v1.17.2.
  * [1.17] No-op whitespace fix to CHANGELOG-1.17 to trigger a new 1.17 build
  * Update to golang@1.13.6
  * Fix the bug PIP's DNS is deleted if no DNS label service annotation is set.
  * kubenet: replace gateway with cni result
  * Add/Update for v1.17.1.
  * Fixes unnecessary creation of default SG and trying to delete non-provisioned SG by k8s system when annotation [] is present
  * Ensure a provider ID is set on a node if expected
  * Bind metrics-server containers to linux nodes to avoid Windows scheduling on kubernetes cluster includes linux nodes and windows nodes
  * Drop version from static openapi json file
  * Update to golang@1.13.5
  * Revert reflector changes from PR #83520 from 1.17
  * Fix IPv6 addresses lost issue in pure ipv6 vsphere environment
  * Fix unit test to run in non-gce environments
  * fix: azure disk could not mounted on Standard_DC4s/DC2s instances
  * Use legacyscheme's types rather than testapi ones
  * Fix nil pointer dereference in the azure provider
  * Add unit test for extended ipv4 service IP range
  * Revert "remove ipallocator in favor of k/utils net package"
  * It fixes a bug where AAD token obtained by kubectl is incompatible with on-behalf-of flow and oidc.
  * Allocate map when out points to nil map
  * fix: azure data disk should use same key as os disk by default
  * Check FileInfo against nil during walk of container dir path
  * Add UID precondition to kubelet pod status patch updates
  * Add cache for VMSS.
  * Fix build break - Hyperkube image needs kubelet/kubectl
  * Include cloud/gcp in e2e.test
  * Do not swallow timeout in manageReplicas
  * Sync the status of static Pods
  * Increase Burst limit for discovery client
  * Update v1.17.0 CHANGELOG to match final draft
  * Fix LoadBalancer rule checking so that no unexpected LoadBalancer updates are made
  * Fix broken SELinux detection
  * Add/Update for v1.17.0.
  * Kubernetes version v1.17.1-beta.0 openapi-spec file updates
  * Deflake kubectl custom printing test
  * Refactor parsing logic for service IP and ranges, add tests
  * Fix bug in apiserver service cluster cidr split
  * Switch addon resizer to 1.8.7
  * Deflake pod readiness e2e
  * Add/Update for v1.17.0-rc.2.
  * Move hostdns.conf out of cni directory.
  * Fix iscsi refcounter in the case of no Block iscsi volumes
  * Ensure webhook backend requests are not artificially rate-limited
  * Retain objects for a limited lifetime in the mutation cache detector by default
  * Enable mutation detection
  * Make cluster auto scaler use leases
  * Bump Cluster Autoscaler version to 1.17.0
  * fix: padded base64 encoded docker auth field
  * apiextensions: filter required nullable to workaround kubectl validation
  * update cadvisor  dependency to v0.35.0
  * Bumped the number of times a node tries to lookup itself
  * Wait for PV to be available before creating PVCs in volume binding test
  * increase pv controller resync period to try to deflake api update conflicts
  * Fix GKE upgrade test.
  * Use plugin name for filtering metrics
  * Provided a mechanism to re-register hidden metrics.
  * Deep copying EndpointSlices in reconciler before modifying them.
  * Set node cidr mask size ipv4/ipv6 config
  * Revert "kube-proxy: check KUBE-MARK-DROP"
  * Add/Update for v1.17.0-rc.1.
  * Add/Update for v1.17.0-beta.2.
  * Add/Update for v1.17.0-beta.1.
  * Results of running update scripts: update-openapi-spec
  * Delete extraneous CHANGELOG-*.md files on branch.

==== openssl ====
Version update (1.1.1f -> 1.1.1g)

- Update to 1.1.1g release

==== openssl-1_1 ====
Version update (1.1.1f -> 1.1.1g)
Subpackages: libopenssl1_1

- Update to 1.1.1g
  * Fixed segmentation fault in SSL_check_chain (CVE-2020-1967, bsc#1169407)
    Server or client applications that call the SSL_check_chain() function
    during or after a TLS 1.3 handshake may crash due to a NULL pointer
    dereference as a result of incorrect handling of the
    "signature_algorithms_cert" TLS extension. The crash occurs if an invalid
    or unrecognised signature algorithm is received from the peer. This could
    be exploited by a malicious peer in a Denial of Service attack.
  * Added AES consttime code for no-asm configurations
    an optional constant time support for AES was added
    when building openssl for no-asm.
- refresh patches:
  * openssl-1.1.1-fips.patch
  * openssl-1.1.1-fips-crng-test.patch

==== perl-Bootloader ====
Version update (0.926 -> 0.927)

- merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#126
- always install EFI fallback boot for aarch64 (bsc#1167015)
- 0.927

==== wpa_supplicant ====

- Add CVE-2019-16275.patch -- AP mode PMF disconnection protection bypass

==== zlib ====

- Update 410.patch to contain latest fixes from IBM bsc#1166260
  * The build behaviour changed