Packages changed:
  alpine (2.22 -> 2.23)
  cryptsetup (2.3.3 -> 2.3.4)
  libcap (2.42 -> 2.43)
  libgpg-error (1.38 -> 1.39)
  libxcrypt (4.4.15 -> 4.4.17)
  permissions (1550_20200826 -> 1550_20200904)
  python-paramiko (2.7.1 -> 2.7.2)
  rubygem-rubocop (0.86.0 -> 0.90.0)
  rubygem-rubocop-ast (0.1.0 -> 0.3.0)

=== Details ===

==== alpine ====
Version update (2.22 -> 2.23)
Subpackages: pico

- Update to release 2.23
  * Implementation of XOAUTH2 authentication support for Outlook.
  * Add support for the OAUTHBEARER authentication method in Gmail.
  * Support for the SASL-IR IMAP extension.
  * Alpine can pass an HTML message to an external web browser,
    by using the "External" command in the ATTACHMENT INDEX
- Drop extern.diff (merged)

==== cryptsetup ====
Version update (2.3.3 -> 2.3.4)
Subpackages: cryptsetup-lang libcryptsetup12 libcryptsetup12-32bit libcryptsetup12-hmac

- Update to 2.3.4:
  * Fix a possible out-of-bounds memory write while validating LUKS2 data
    segments metadata (CVE-2020-14382, boo#1176128).
  * Ignore reported optimal IO size if not aligned to minimal page size.
  * Added support for new no_read/write_wrokqueue dm-crypt options (kernel 5.9).
  * Added support panic_on_corruption option for dm-verity devices (kernel 5.9).
  * Support --master-key-file option for online LUKS2 reencryption
  * Always return EEXIST error code if a device already exists.
  * Fix a problem in integritysetup if a hash algorithm has dash in the name.
  * Fix crypto backend to properly handle ECB mode.
  * TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt compatible mode now supports the activation of devices
    with a larger sector.
  * LUKS2: Do not create excessively large headers.
  * Fix unspecified sector size for BitLocker compatible mode.
  * Fix reading key data size in metadata for BitLocker compatible mode.

==== dracut ====

- Generate the tarball during buildtime. Tracking both the tarball
  and the .obscpio combines the worst of both.

==== filesystem ====

- Split /var/tmp out of fs-var.conf, new file is fs-var-tmp.conf.
  Allows to override config to add cleanup options of /var/tmp
- Create fs-tmp.conf to cleanup /tmp regular (required with tmpfs)
- Fix bug about missing group in tmpfiles.d files
- Generic cleanup:
  - Remove /usr/local/games
  - /etc/java was moved to javapackages-filesystem long ago
  - Remove unused languages: en@IPA, it_CH, ja_JP.EUC, ja_JP.SJIS,
    ja_JP.eucJP, nds_DE
  - Remove %ghost entries for /tmp, /tmp is now tmpfs and the files
    are handled by systemd since a long time
- Add /usr/etc/default.

==== fwupd ====
Subpackages: fwupd-lang libfwupd2 libfwupdplugin1 typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0

- Add fwupd-jscSLE-11766-close-efidir-leap-gap.patch: Set SLE and
  openSUSE esp os dir at runtime (jsc#SLE-11766)
- Drop _multibuild and build option -Defi_os_dir="%{efidir}": with
  the above patch fwupd can detect esp os dir dynamically
- Update the efidir related %post and %postun scripts in spec file

==== gzip ====

- Enable DFLTCC compression for s390x for levels 1-6 (i. e. to make
  it used by default) by adding -DDFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK=0x7e to CLFAGS.

==== javapackages-tools ====
Subpackages: javapackages-filesystem

- when building extra flavor, BuildRequire javapackages-filesystem:
  /etc/java is being cleaned out of the filesystems package.

==== libcap ====
Version update (2.42 -> 2.43)

- update to 2.43
  * Linus' kernel tree defines CAP_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE (40) so support it.
  * Fix the creation of the $(FAKEROOT)$(LIBDIR) for split install targets
  * Clean up a binary from the distribution
  * Added some more release time checks for non-git tracked files.
  * Fix a deadlock in libpsx that surfaced with a set of compiler optimizations by removing the psx wrapping harder.

==== libgpg-error ====
Version update (1.38 -> 1.39)
Subpackages: libgpg-error0 libgpg-error0-32bit

- Update to 1.39:
  * "gpg-error --lib-version" works again.
  * New function gpgrt_fcancel as alternative to gpgrt_close. This
    function avoid flushing out buffered data and also tries to delete
    a newly created file.
  * Update the gnupg project keyring
  * Interface changes relative to the 1.38 release:
  - gpgrt_fcancel: NEW.

==== libxcrypt ====
Version update (4.4.15 -> 4.4.17)
Subpackages: libcrypt1 libcrypt1-32bit libxcrypt-devel

- Add compatibility provides for SLE15
- Update to version 4.4.17
  * Salt string compatibility with generic implementations

==== lvm2 ====
Subpackages: liblvm2cmd2_03

- lvm can't pass build with gcc option Wstringop-overflow (bsc#1175565)
  - remove suse speical patch
  - bug-1175565_lvm-cant-pass-build-with-gcc-option-Wstringop-overflow.patch
  - add upstream patch
    + bug-1175565_01-tools-move-struct-element-before-variable-lenght-lis.patch
    + bug-1175565_02-gcc-change-zero-sized-array-to-fexlible-array.patch
    + bug-1175565_03-gcc-zero-sized-array-to-fexlible-array-C99.patch

==== lvm2-device-mapper ====
Subpackages: device-mapper libdevmapper-event1_03 libdevmapper1_03 libdevmapper1_03-32bit

- lvm can't pass build with gcc option Wstringop-overflow (bsc#1175565)
  - remove suse speical patch
  - bug-1175565_lvm-cant-pass-build-with-gcc-option-Wstringop-overflow.patch
  - add upstream patch
    + bug-1175565_01-tools-move-struct-element-before-variable-lenght-lis.patch
    + bug-1175565_02-gcc-change-zero-sized-array-to-fexlible-array.patch
    + bug-1175565_03-gcc-zero-sized-array-to-fexlible-array-C99.patch

==== memcached ====

- Add use-signal-function-instead-of-sigignore.patch: sigignore
  causes deprecation errors(gh#memcached/memcached#691)

==== npth ====

- Remove old specfile constructs and doubleshipping of docs.

==== permissions ====
Version update (1550_20200826 -> 1550_20200904)
Subpackages: chkstat permissions-config permissions-doc

- Update to version 20200904:
  * Add /usr/libexec for cockpit-session as new path
  * physlock: whitelist with tight restrictions (bsc#1175720)

==== python-paramiko ====
Version update (2.7.1 -> 2.7.2)

- update to 2.7.2
- drop configs.tar.gz
  * Add missing test suite fixtures directory to
  * Remove leading whitespace from OpenSSH RSA test suite static key fixture,
  * Fix incorrect string formatting causing unhelpful error message annotation
    when using Kerberos/GSSAPI.
  * Fix incorrectly swapped order of p and q numbers when loading
    OpenSSH-format RSA private keys.

==== python38 ====
Subpackages: python38-curses python38-dbm python38-tk

- Just cleanup and reordering items to synchronize with python39

==== python38-core ====
Subpackages: libpython3_8-1_0 python38-base

- Just cleanup and reordering items to synchronize with python39

==== python38-documentation ====

- Just cleanup and reordering items to synchronize with python39

==== rsync ====

- Security fix: [bsc#1176160, CVE-2020-14387]
  * rsync-ssl: Verify the hostname in the certificate when using openssl.
- Add rsync-CVE-2020-14387.patch

==== rubygem-rubocop ====
Version update (0.86.0 -> 0.90.0)

- New upstream release 0.90.0
  [#]## New features
  * [#8451]( Add new `Style/RedundantSelfAssignment` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8384]( Add new `Layout/EmptyLineAfterMultilineCondition` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8390]( Add new `Style/SoleNestedConditional` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8562]( Add new `Style/KeywordParametersOrder` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8486]( Add new `Style/CombinableLoops` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8381]( Add new `Style/ClassMethodsDefinitions` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8474]( Add new `Lint/DuplicateRequire` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8472]( Add new `Lint/UselessMethodDefinition` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8531]( Add new `Lint/EmptyFile` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
  * Add new `Lint/TrailingCommaInAttributeDeclaration` cop. ([@drenmi][])
  * [#8578]( Add `:restore_registry` context and `stub_cop_class` helper class. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8579]( Add `Cop.documentation_url`.  ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8510](  Add `RegexpNode#each_capture` and `parsed_tree`. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8365]( Cops defining `on_send` can be optimized by defining the constant `RESTRICT_ON_SEND` with a list of acceptable method names.
  [#]## Bug fixes
  * [#8508]( Fix a false positive for `Style/CaseLikeIf` when conditional contains comparison with a class. Mark `Style/CaseLikeIf` as not safe.
  * [#8618]( Fix an infinite loop error for `Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs`. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#8534]( Fix `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` for binary operators used as unary operators. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8537]( Allow a trailing comment as a description comment for `Bundler/GemComment`. ([@pocke][])
  * [#8507]( Fix `Style/RescueModifier` to handle parentheses around rescue modifiers. ([@dsavochkin][])
  * [#8527]( Prevent an incorrect auto-correction for `Style/CaseEquality` cop when comparing with `===` against a regular expression receiver.
  * [#8524]( Fix `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody`  and `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody` to correctly handle an access modifier as a first
  child. ([@dsavochkin][])
  * [#8518]( Fix `Lint/ConstantResolution` cop reporting offense for `module` and `class` definitions. ([@tejasbubane][])
  * [#8158]( Fix `Style/MultilineWhenThen` cop to correctly handle cases with multiline body. ([@dsavochkin][])
  * [#7705]( Fix `Style/OneLineConditional` cop to handle if/then/elsif/then/else/end cases. Add `AlwaysCorrectToMultiline` config option to
  this cop to always convert offenses to the multi-line form (false by default). ([@Lykos][], [@dsavochkin][])
  * [#8590]( Fix an error when auto-correcting encoding mismatch file. ([@koic][])
  * [#8321]( Enable auto-correction for `Layout/{Def}EndAlignment`, `Lint/EmptyEnsure`, `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren`. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8583]( Fix `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape` false positive for line continuations. ([@owst][])
  * [#8593]( Fix `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass` false positive for interpolated multi-line expressions. ([@owst][])
  * [#8624]( Fix an error with the `Style/CaseLikeIf` cop where it does not properly handle overridden equality methods with no arguments.
  [#]## Changes
  * [#8413]( Pending cops warning now contains snippet that can be directly copied into `.rubocop.yml` as well as a notice about `NewCops:
  enable` config option. ([@colszowka][])
  * [#8362]( Add numbers of correctable offenses to summary. ([@nguyenquangminh0711][])
  * [#8513]( Clarify the ruby warning mentioned in the `Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable` documentation. ([@chocolateboy][])
  * [#8517]( Make `Style/HashTransformKeys` and `Style/HashTransformValues` aware of `to_h` with block. ([@eugeneius][])
  * [#8529]( Mark `Lint/FrozenStringLiteralComment` as `Safe`, but with unsafe auto-correction. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8602]( Fix usage of `to_enum(:scan, regexp)` to work on TruffleRuby. ([@jaimerave][])
- New upstream release 0.89.1
  [#]## Bug fixes
  * [#8463]( Fix false positives for
  `Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef` when a regexp is defined and matched in separate steps.
  * [#8464]( Handle regexps matched with
  `when`, `grep`, `gsub`, `gsub!`, `sub`, `sub!`, `[]`, `slice`, `slice!`, `scan`, `index`,
  `rindex`, `partition`, `rpartition`, `start_with?`, and `end_with?` in
  `Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef`. ([@eugeneius][])
  * [#8466]( Fix a false positive for
  `Lint/UriRegexp` when using `regexp` method without receiver. ([@koic][])
  * [#8478]( Relax
  `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` for mathematical operations. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8480]( Tweak callback list of
  `Lint/MissingSuper`. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#8481]( Fix autocorrect for elements with
  newlines in `Style/SymbolArray` and `Style/WordArray`. ([@biinari][])
  * [#8475]( Fix a false positive for
  `Style/HashAsLastArrayItem` when there are duplicate hashes in the array. ([@wcmonty][])
  * [#8497]( Fix `Style/IfUnlessModifier` to
  add parentheses when converting if-end condition inside a parenthesized method argument list.
  [#]## Changes
  * [#8487]( Detect `<` and `>` as comparison
  operators in `Style/ConditionalAssignment` cop. ([@biinari][])
New upstream release 0.88

==== rubygem-rubocop-ast ====
Version update (0.1.0 -> 0.3.0)

- New upstream release 0.3.0:
  [#]# 0.3.0 (2020-08-01)
  [#]## New features
  * [#70]( Add `NextNode` ([@marcandre][])
  * [#85]( Add `IntNode#value` and `FloatNode#value`. ([@fatkodima][])
  * [#82]( `NodePattern`: Allow comments ([@marcandre][])
  * [#83]( Add `ProcessedSource#comment_at_line` ([@marcandre][])
  * [#83]( Add `ProcessedSource#each_comment_in_lines` ([@marcandre][])
  * [#84]( Add `Source::Range#line_span` ([@marcandre][])
  * [#87]( Add `CaseNode#branches` ([@marcandre][])
  [#]## Bug fixes
  * [#70]( Fix arguments processing for `BreakNode` ([@marcandre][])
  * [#70]( **(Potentially breaking)** `BreakNode` and `ReturnNode` no longer include `MethodDispatchNode`. These methods were severely broken ([@marcandre][])
  [#]## Changes
  * [#44]( **(Breaking)** Use `parser` flag `self.emit_forward_arg = true` by default. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#86]( `PairNode#delimiter` and `inverse_delimiter` now accept their argument as a named argument. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#87]( **(Potentially breaking)** Have `IfNode#branches` return a `nil` value if source has `else; end` ([@marcandre][])
  * [#72]( **(Potentially breaking)** `SuperNode/DefinedNode/YieldNode#arguments` now return a frozen array. ([@marcandre][])
  [#]# 0.2.0 (2020-07-19)
  [#]## New features
  * [#50]( Support find pattern matching for Ruby 2.8 (3.0) parser. ([@koic][])
  * [#55]( Add `ProcessedSource#line_with_comment?`. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#63]( NodePattern now supports patterns as arguments to predicate and functions. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#64]( Add `Node#global_const?`. ([@marcandre][])
  * [#28]( Add `struct_constructor?`, `class_definition?` and `module_definition?` matchers. ([@tejasbubane][])
  [#]## Bug fixes
  * [#55]( Fix `ProcessedSource#commented?` for multi-line ranges. Renamed `contains_comment?` ([@marcandre][])
  * [#69]( **(Potentially breaking)** `RetryNode` has many errors. It is now a `Node`. ([@marcandre][])

==== utempter ====

- fixed utempter location after libexecdir change (bsc#1175925)

==== xapps ====
Subpackages: libxapp1 typelib-1_0-XApp-1_0 xapps-common xapps-common-lang

- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075)