Packages changed:
  autoyast2 (4.3.31 -> 4.3.32)
  python-cryptography (2.9.2 -> 3.0)
  python-reportlab (3.5.44 -> 3.5.46)
  python-requests (2.23.0 -> 2.24.0)
  python-simplejson (3.17.0 -> 3.17.2)
  python-sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.2.1 -> 1.2.3)
  python-zope.component (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)
  yast2-packager (4.3.5 -> 4.3.6)

=== Details ===

==== autoyast2 ====
Version update (4.3.31 -> 4.3.32)
Subpackages: autoyast2-installation

- Do not report profile validation errors multiple times if the
  errors are the same already reported and accepted (bsc#1173091)
- 4.3.32
- Adapted doc: Calling of post-partitioning scripts moved from
  dropped inst_autoimage to inst_kickoff (bsc#1140711).

==== filesystem ====

- Remove /selinux (obsoleted by /sys/fs/selinux)

==== python-cryptography ====
Version update (2.9.2 -> 3.0)

- update to 3.0
- refreshed disable-uneven-sizes-tests.patch and  skip_openssl_memleak_test.patch
  * Removed support for passing an Extension instance
    to from_issuer_subject_key_identifier(), as per our deprecation policy.
  * Support for LibreSSL 2.7.x, 2.8.x, and 2.9.0 has been removed
  * Dropped support for macOS 10.9, macOS users must upgrade to 10.10 or newer.
  * RSA generate_private_key() no longer accepts public_exponent values except
    65537 and 3 (the latter for legacy purposes).
  * X.509 certificate parsing now enforces that the version field contains
    a valid value, rather than deferring this check until version is accessed.
  * Deprecated support for Python 2
  * Added support for OpenSSH serialization format for ec, ed25519, rsa and dsa
    private keys: load_ssh_private_key() for loading and OpenSSH for writing.
  * Added support for OpenSSH certificates to load_ssh_public_key().
  * Added encrypt_at_time() and decrypt_at_time() to Fernet.
  * Added support for the SubjectInformationAccess X.509 extension.
  * Added support for parsing SignedCertificateTimestamps in OCSP responses.
  * Added support for parsing attributes in certificate signing requests via get_attribute_for_oid().
  * Added support for encoding attributes in certificate signing requests via add_attribute().
  * On OpenSSL 1.1.1d and higher cryptography now uses OpenSSL?s built-in CSPRNG
    instead of its own OS random engine because these versions of OpenSSL properly reseed on fork.
  * Added initial support for creating PKCS12 files with serialize_key_and_certificates().

==== python-networkx ====

-  gh#networkx/networkx#4012 networkx-pr4012-use-mpl.patch
  new matplotlib removed keyword argument 'warn' for mpl.use()

==== python-reportlab ====
Version update (3.5.44 -> 3.5.46)

- Update to 3.5.46
  * micro changes to normalDate
  * fix warnings about is not (detected in python 3.8b4)
  * implement PR #59 bug fix
  * add recursive ttf searching
  * sync with rlextra
  * fix Barchart axis crossing issue

==== python-requests ====
Version update (2.23.0 -> 2.24.0)

- remove patch pr_5251-pytest5.patch, not needed anymore.
- update to version 2.24.0:
  - pyOpenSSL TLS implementation is now only used if Python
  either doesn't have an `ssl` module or doesn't support
  SNI. Previously pyOpenSSL was unconditionally used if available.
  This applies even if pyOpenSSL is installed via the
  `requests[security]` extra (#5443)
  - Redirect resolution should now only occur when
  `allow_redirects` is True. (#5492)
  - No longer perform unnecessary Content-Length calculation for
  requests that won't use it. (#5496)

==== python-simplejson ====
Version update (3.17.0 -> 3.17.2)

- update to 3.17.2
- use pytest as testrunner

==== python-sphinxcontrib-websupport ====
Version update (1.2.1 -> 1.2.3)

- version update to 1.2.3
  * #43: doctreedir argument has been ignored on initialize app
  * Stop to use sphinx.util.pycompat:htmlescape

==== python-zope.component ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)

- update to version 4.6.2
  * Improve the documentation, both published and in docstrings.

==== yast2-packager ====
Version update (4.3.5 -> 4.3.6)

- AY: Calling of post-partitioning scripts moved from dropped
  inst_autoimage to inst_kickoff (bsc#1140711).
- 4.3.6