Packages changed:
  AppStream (0.12.7 -> 0.12.10)
  amarok (2.9.70git.20200131T110159~195748144f -> 2.9.70git.20200225T224218~2084224e4c)
  gnome-characters (3.32.1 -> 3.34.0)
  krb5 (1.17.1 -> 1.18)
  libmypaint (1.5.0 -> 1.5.1)
  perl-HTTP-Message (6.18 -> 6.22)
  rubygem-rubyzip (2.0.0 -> 2.2.0)

=== Details ===

==== AppStream ====
Version update (0.12.7 -> 0.12.10)
Subpackages: AppStream-lang libAppStreamQt2 libappstream4

- Update to 0.12.10. Check the NEWS file for the complete changelog.
- Drop patches. Issues fixed upstream:
  * 0001-Restore-compatibility-with-GLib-2.58.patch
  * 0001-Fix-possible-NULL-dereference.patch
  * 0002-Don-t-ignore-xmlNodeDump-return-code.patch
  * 0003-Fix-infinite-recursion-if-component-has-itself-liste.patch
  * find-lmdb.patch

==== amarok ====
Version update (2.9.70git.20200131T110159~195748144f -> 2.9.70git.20200225T224218~2084224e4c)

- Update to version 2.9.70git.20200225T224218~2084224e4c:
  * Fix error of Wikipedia entering in an infinite recursion of page loading
  * Fix metainfo generation for Amarok applets
  * Fix loading of lyrics from
  * Removed obsolete PackagePath role from AppletModel

==== gnome-characters ====
Version update (3.32.1 -> 3.34.0)
Subpackages: gnome-characters-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-characters

- Update to version 3.34.0:
  + searchProvider: Fix deprecation fixes.
  + Improves search entry and exit behaviour.
  + Fix deprecation warnings.
  + Fix single instance application mode.
  + Snap and flatpak fixes.

==== kdevelop5 ====
Subpackages: kdevelop5-lang kdevplatform kdevplatform-lang libkdevplatform55

- Add _constraints disk 4GB PowerPC to avoid build failure ppc64

==== krb5 ====
Version update (1.17.1 -> 1.18)
Subpackages: krb5-32bit krb5-client

- Remove cruft to support distributions older than SLE 12
- Use macros where applicable
- Switch to pkgconfig style dependencies
- Upgrade to 1.18
  Administrator experience:
  * Remove support for single-DES encryption types.
  * Change the replay cache format to be more efficient and robust.
    Replay cache filenames using the new format end with ".rcache2"
    by default.
  * setuid programs will automatically ignore environment variables
    that normally affect krb5 API functions, even if the caller does
    not use krb5_init_secure_context().
  * Add an "enforce_ok_as_delegate" krb5.conf relation to disable
    credential forwarding during GSSAPI authentication unless the KDC
    sets the ok-as-delegate bit in the service ticket.
  * Use the permitted_enctypes krb5.conf setting as the default value
    for default_tkt_enctypes and default_tgs_enctypes.
  Developer experience:
  * Implement krb5_cc_remove_cred() for all credential cache types.
  * Add the krb5_pac_get_client_info() API to get the client account
    name from a PAC.
  Protocol evolution:
  * Add KDC support for S4U2Self requests where the user is identified
    by X.509 certificate. (Requires support for certificate lookup from
    a third-party KDB module.)
  * Remove support for an old ("draft 9") variant of PKINIT.
  * Add support for Microsoft NegoEx. (Requires one or more third-party
    GSS modules implementing NegoEx mechanisms.)
  User experience:
  * Add support for "dns_canonicalize_hostname=fallback", causing
    host-based principal names to be tried first without DNS
    canonicalization, and again with DNS canonicalization if the
    un-canonicalized server is not found.
  * Expand single-component hostnames in host-based principal names
    when DNS canonicalization is not used, adding the system's first DNS
    search path as a suffix. Add a "qualify_shortname" krb5.conf relation
    to override this suffix or disable expansion.
  * Honor the transited-policy-checked ticket flag on application servers,
    eliminating the requirement to configure capaths on servers in some
  Code quality:
  * The libkrb5 serialization code (used to export and import krb5 GSS
    security contexts) has been simplified and made type-safe.
  * The libkrb5 code for creating KRB-PRIV, KRB-SAFE, and KRB-CRED
    messages has been revised to conform to current coding practices.
  * The test suite has been modified to work with macOS System Integrity
    Protection enabled.
  * The test suite incorporates soft-pkcs11 so that PKINIT PKCS11 support
    can always be tested.
- Updated patches:
  * 0002-krb5-1.9-manpaths.patch
  * 0004-krb5-1.6.3-gssapi_improve_errormessages.patch
  * 0005-krb5-1.6.3-ktutil-manpage.patch
  * 0006-krb5-1.12-api.patch
- Renamed patches:
  * 0001-krb5-1.12-pam.patch => 0001-ksu-pam-integration.patch
  * 0003-krb5-1.12-buildconf.patch => 0003-Adjust-build-configuration.patch
  * 0008-krb5-1.12-selinux-label.patch => 0007-SELinux-integration.patch
  * 0009-krb5-1.9-debuginfo.patch => 0008-krb5-1.9-debuginfo.patch
- Deleted patches:
  * 0007-krb5-1.12-ksu-path.patch

==== libmypaint ====
Version update (1.5.0 -> 1.5.1)
Subpackages: libmypaint-1_5-1 libmypaint-lang

- Update to version 1.5.1:
  * mypaint-brush.c:count_dabs_to calculation changed to be
    consistent with v1.3.0 / 1.4.0 when called via the old stroke
    interface, and generally fixed so that there's no need for an
    additional initial mypaint_brush_stroke_to call to produce a
    visible stroke.
  * mypaint-brush.c: estimation of dabs per pixel reverted to the
    old calculation when called via the old stroke interface.
  * Fixes incorrect versions for the requirements in the
    libmypaint-gegl pkg-config file (for both gegl and libmypaint)
  * The openmp flags are now actually used when building with
  - -enable-openmp
  * Translation updates.
- Drop libmypaint-gegl-pkgconfig.patch: incorporated upstream.
- Compile with openmp support by passing `--enable-openmp` to
- Build introspection bindings:
  * Add BuildRequires pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0) and
  * Split out new packages for introspection bindings:
    typelib-1_0-MyPaint-1_5 and typelib-1_0-MyPaintGegl-1_5.

==== libquicktime ====

- Build 32bit compatibility packages also for plugin libraries.

==== metis ====

- Add support for gcc8/9 building (jsc#SLE-8604).
- Build HPC master package for 'examples'.

==== perl-HTTP-Message ====
Version update (6.18 -> 6.22)

- updated to 6.22
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-Message/Changes
  6.22      2020-02-24 18:58:07Z
  - Full release.  No changes since TRIAL release 6.21
  6.21      2020-02-19 14:35:09Z (TRIAL RELEASE)
  - Bump Encode to latest version (3.01) (GH#129) (Olaf Alders)
  - Revert #115 (GH#131) (Olaf Alders)
  - Revert (GH#125) "try hard to make a usable file name" (GH#130) (Olaf
  - Fix JSON request encoding examples in POD (GH#126) (Michael Schout)
  6.20      2019-02-05 01:46:39Z (TRIAL RELEASE)
  - Fix encoded file names when LC_ALL=C (GH#125) (Lars D?????? ???)
  6.19      2019-01-16 15:17:35Z (TRIAL RELEASE)
  - Add support for RFC 8187 encoded filenames (GH#115) (Zaki Mughal)
  - Fix memoized _uri_canonical #121 (GH#123) (Dorian Taylor)
  - Don't overwrite $@ in decodable (gh #80) (GH#118) (mschae94)
  - Add support for RFC 8187 encoded filenames (GH#115) (Zaki Mughal)

==== rubygem-rubyzip ====
Version update (2.0.0 -> 2.2.0)

- Fix rpmlint complains (removing rubygem-rubyzip.rpmlintrc)
- New upstream release 2.2.0
  - Add support for decompression plugin gems #427
- New upstream release 2.1.0
  - Fix (at least partially) the `restore_times` and `restore_permissions`
    options to ``
  - Previously, neither option did anything, regardless of what it was set
    to. We have therefore defaulted them to `false` to preserve the current
    behavior, for the time being. If you have explicitly set either to
    `true`, it will now have an effect.
  - Fix handling of UniversalTime (`mtime`, `atime`, `ctime`)
    fields. [#421](
  - Previously, `Zip::File` did not pass the options to `Zip::Entry` in some
    cases. [#423](
  - Note that `restore_times` in this release does nothing on Windows and
    only restores `mtime`, not `atime` or `ctime`.
  - Allow `` to take an options hash like ``
  - Always print warnings with `warn`, instead of a mix of `puts` and `warn`
  - Create temporary files in the system temporary directory instead of the
    directory of the zip file
  - Drop unused `tmpdir` requirement
  - Move CI to xenial and include jruby on JDK11
- Add rubygem-rubyzip.rpmlintrc